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Parent Advisory Council is also called PAC.  Most schools have a PAC which operates under a constitution.  Typically, PAC’s meet once a month to discuss upcoming events, make recommendations and support school programs and activities.  Fundraising for events or large purchases is a common function of PAC groups as well.  PAC meetings are not the place to discuss concerns about individual staff members or students.  These concerns are best discussed during a meeting first with the teacher, and then with the school principal.

The Kelly Creek PAC meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the school library (please check the WAG for all confirmed meetings).  All parents are voting members of the PAC and are welcome to attend monthly meetings.  Meetings of the executive committee (President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc.) may meet at other times during the course of the school year. 

The executive committee for 2023-2024 is: 

Robyn MaclainePresident
Lisa GunnTreasurer
Christine TownleySecretary

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!

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